DELICIOUS CREAMY OATS: Get the joy of having breakfast that has Rolled Oats with super creamy texture. So creamy it melts in your mouth
BREAKFAST CEREAL: These grains are so soft and blend so well into your daily breakfast such as Dosa and Upma that you won’t even notice the difference
100% NATURAL: Made from 100% natural wholegrain oats, Saffola Oats brings you a wholesome breakfast to help kickstart your day
POWER OF 3: Say hello to a meal that’s packed with the power of Protein, Fiber & Iron. Stay fuller for longer & get the required nutrition that helps in muscle building and more
LONG LASTING ENERGY: It contains the essential nutrients that ensures you get enough energy that lasts all day
READY IN 3 MINUTES: Prepare & relish a delicious bowl of super creamy Saffola Oats with your favorite toppings (fruits, honey, syrup, etc.) in quick time
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